Monday, October 25, 2010

Am I Truly An American?

Even though I was born here in America and live here my whole life, I didn't feel like an American all of those 15 years. My family is the most POLISH family in the world, no doubt about it. Because of that, we strictly follow Poland's traditions and such. At the beginning, my mom and dad did not speak English whatsoever. It was hard for my mom to get a job or simply communicate with anyone. Out of all my family members, my 6 year old sister sister knew the most English. Under these circumstances, how could I feel like an American?
The time didn't come until my mom graduated her English class at Wright College. She took the class to make all of our lives easier. After getting her degree, she finally began talking with more non-Polish people and learning their ways of living and traditions. Because my mom was learning all this new "American stuff", our house and meals were changing. Instead of potatoes and meat with a side everyday for dinner, my mom changed it up a bit my serving pasta, spaghetti, and many other meals that we never had. Since these things were all new to me, I began to feel like an American. Being an American was a big deal for me because I finally felt like I fit in, not only in school but overall in the big melting pot, America. If it wasn't for my mom taking her English class at Wright College, I'd probably still be considering myself fresh off the boat POLISH.


  1. Fresh off the Boat natalie! I think that being an american is whatever makes you happy. so everyone in american can be american no matter what language they understand...but english sure would help...

  2. I agree, you are VERY polish. But it's really cool how Mama Kata helped to "Americanize" your family, but you definitely blend both cultures.

  3. This is really kool. you became an American. Me on the other hand was born one & lost most if not all of my ties to being Mexican. think, they way you felt of "becoming" an American is the way many immigrants felt dating back to the 17th century.

  4. Wow, didn't know that for sure and not being born into normal? American ways did help you though appreciate both sides though, pretty cool(:
