Sunday, March 27, 2011

On the Reservation

Montana 1948 tells us a whole lot about the life of the Native-American people. Separated from the world, so different. However, people are not the only ones that get cut off from the rest of the planet. There are other types of reservations, like ones for plants, but they all relate.


  [rez-er-vey-shuhn–nounThe act of keeping back, withholding, or setting apart.A plant reservation is meant for dedicating a piece of public land to save the green life. There are more than enough kinds of plants on this planet that are scarce and need to be specially preserved to last a while longer. If the area was not saved for them, people around could care less about what happens to the plants. Therefore, the plants have their separate place, keeping back from the rest of civilization. How do plants and people relate? Only because of these types of reservations. The Native-Americans were not so populated as well, which is why they were held apart from the rest of the people of the world. Being different from others made them unique, and wanting to stick together. If they did not live together on a reservation, the Native-American race was bound to plunge. By withholding from others, the Native-American people can survive and hopefully increase in population rather than decrease.

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