Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor!

John Proctor - hero or not? Hero all the way! I think John is the most straight-forward person in the whole "Crucible". Even though it's hard to live and work well in a community where everyone is believing something opposite, John Proctor accomplishes it. He doesn't care much for other people's beliefs in witchcraft and all that crazy sorts of stuff. For him, witches, trials, accusations, and all that jazz is fake. Since he doesn't fall under the spell that all this stuff actually exists, his ways of thinking are normal and realistic. Back in the days, people in Salem were psychotic and believed anything that had to do with witchcraft. John Proctor is a hero by not following others, but leading himself in the right direction. I think John Proctor would not be a hero if he participated in all the cheats and lies that go around Salem. People are at fault, they turn themselves in, but blame it on other people that may seem believable. Proctor, unlike Reverend Parris, is trustworthy and I think he knows how to handle sticky situations. The only fishy thing about John Proctor is his relationship with Elizabeth and affair with Abigail. He is married to one woman, Elizabeth, who he claims he loves. On the other hand, he still feels something for his former love, Abigail. Proctor tells her that he doesn't love her anymore, but then she questions him. Since he is not the kind of guy that would really lie, he just gave her tiny hints. For example, she asked if John Proctor ever thinks about her. John at first told her no, but then gave in and said he thinks of Abigail from time to time. Other than his relationship status, I definately think he is in the hero zone.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners In the Hands of An Angry God

The "God" described in this story is nothing like the figure is when I think of God. In "Sinners In the Hands of An Angry God" the God is not a saint at all, in my opinion. Since I am a Catholic myself, I learn that God is supposed to be forgiving and helping a person out during difficult times. In this story? No way is this "God" doing anything good for anyone. It seems as if this "God" really wants people to create sins because he wants them one step closer to his evil wrath. Doing this makes no sense to anyone but the "God" himself. The people basically waste their lives because they are constantly in fear and paranoid so they don't make a wrong move and get one step closer to that bottomless pit that "God" has made. I think living in such a manner is completely pointless. The worst part for the people back then was that they couldn't really voice their opinions. If they said one thing against their strict religion, off to hell the person goes. This is was makes me wonder most-how could the people survive so long while living under such pressure? "I have to be perfect." "One wrong move and it's over for me." "The wrath is for sinners, unlike myself." That is what I think went on in most peoples' minds, considering the fact that they had to lead their lifestyle like this. In my opinion, I believe the people should have gotten the choice of believing or not believing in this religion. This "God's" wrath was really uncalled for and unnecessary!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes the Neighborhood...

I've lived on the north-west side of Chicago basically my whole life. When my family first came from Poland, they moved in with my aunt. Then I came along and my parents decided to move a few streets down. We ended up moving to Eddy Street, and it has been my home ever since.
My neighborhood has always been nice and peaceful. There weren't many kids, which was a down-side for me, but my parents loved it here. It kind of felt like the suburbs because everyone knew each other, everyone talked when they took their dog on a walk, and all was well. 
There are these two big apartments at the beginning of my street that have been empty for a very long time. Nobody wanted to buy them because they were closest to the busy street, Addison. Even if people rented, they left soon-after they moved in. I never really knew anyone from the beginning of my street, so I didn't mind those apartments whatsoever. 
About a year ago, we received some unwanted guests in the neighborhood. Along came Alexis and his posse of cousins and friends. These people were Puerto Rican/African American, which I was totally fine with, until they thought they could come in and mess with everybody on the block.
It is unbelievable how obnoxious these kids could be everyday. The oldest was about 16 and the youngest was around 8 years old. Not only did they bother every single person as much as possible, but they brought danger upon the little kids on our street. Towards the end of the block, there are many families with kids under the age of 5, who can no longer go in front of their own house without supervision.
Alexis and his gang started out doing stupid little things that would bother people like ding-dong-ditching and throwing rocks at windows. I guess they thought that wasn't enough so they walked around carrying harmful things like bats. What can you do to an underaged kid that is carrying around what could be used as a weapon? The worst you can do is yell. Apparently for them, yelling wasn't enough to get the message across.
If people from the block got in their way, they were threatened. I still cannot believe they do this shamelessly, but it's all true. These horrible people from the end of the block were causing our whole neighborhood damage and basically stopping us from being able to go out and talk with a friend or fellow neighbor. Nobody thought this was fair, so obviously the police was called. Our wonderful police, however, did NOTHING about the situation. The kids got a "warning"; what is that going to do? Absolutely nothing. They have calmed down a little bit since the school year started, but hopefully they will move away as quickly as possible. Nobody wants little nuisances on the block like Alexis and his friends. If they left, I'm sure my neighborhood would go back to normal and all would be well once again.


Born in Chicago, but I consider myself 1000% Polish. I have a sister that I consider the world for me. 2 years ago, I found a kitten in front of my house and named it Nacho; it still lives with me. Like basically all other Polish kids in the world, I’m forced to go to Polish school every Saturday. I wish I went to high school a bit closer to my house, but what can you do.

I’ve never really been interested in anything as much as dance. It’s what keeps me going my whole life. I’ve been dancing since forever ago; as long as I can remember. I started out doing ballet and hip-hop. Those types of dances don’t appeal to me anymore, though. I start doing Polish folk dancing at the beginning of 7th grade. Sounds funny, I know. But it’s one of the best things I could have ever done. Not only do we travel every year, but we have banquets and a lot of events that celebrate us. The group I dance for is called Polonia Dance Ensemble, and it’s amazing.

Through the years I have traveled a lot. My first trip out of the country was to Poland, but I was too young so I don’t remember much. Winter break of 6th grade, my family and I visited Jamaica, which was a GREAT trip. Winter break of 7th grade, we went down to Dominican Republic. It was a lot like Jamaica, but it was really nice getting away from school and Chicago. This past summer [2010], Polonia Ensemble and I went to Colombia, South America. We stayed there for 15 days and danced most of the time. Again, AMAZING.

I’ve always lived in Chicago and I don’t think I’d want to go anywhere else. Sometimes I think it’d be better in the Caribbean or someplace like that, but I’d miss the city. I’m so used to loudness and city life-it’s growing on me.

Enough about me, how about yourself?