Thursday, September 16, 2010


Born in Chicago, but I consider myself 1000% Polish. I have a sister that I consider the world for me. 2 years ago, I found a kitten in front of my house and named it Nacho; it still lives with me. Like basically all other Polish kids in the world, I’m forced to go to Polish school every Saturday. I wish I went to high school a bit closer to my house, but what can you do.

I’ve never really been interested in anything as much as dance. It’s what keeps me going my whole life. I’ve been dancing since forever ago; as long as I can remember. I started out doing ballet and hip-hop. Those types of dances don’t appeal to me anymore, though. I start doing Polish folk dancing at the beginning of 7th grade. Sounds funny, I know. But it’s one of the best things I could have ever done. Not only do we travel every year, but we have banquets and a lot of events that celebrate us. The group I dance for is called Polonia Dance Ensemble, and it’s amazing.

Through the years I have traveled a lot. My first trip out of the country was to Poland, but I was too young so I don’t remember much. Winter break of 6th grade, my family and I visited Jamaica, which was a GREAT trip. Winter break of 7th grade, we went down to Dominican Republic. It was a lot like Jamaica, but it was really nice getting away from school and Chicago. This past summer [2010], Polonia Ensemble and I went to Colombia, South America. We stayed there for 15 days and danced most of the time. Again, AMAZING.

I’ve always lived in Chicago and I don’t think I’d want to go anywhere else. Sometimes I think it’d be better in the Caribbean or someplace like that, but I’d miss the city. I’m so used to loudness and city life-it’s growing on me.

Enough about me, how about yourself?

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