Saturday, January 22, 2011

on being mexican-american

Is that hyphen needed? In my opinion, it should be there. Everyone comes from somewhere, whether it's a different continent, a different country, a different state. Every culture has its traditions and makes a person who they are. I don't believe people are truly only American, since most of our ancestors have come from other places in the world. That little "minus sign" puts a meaning behind that person. Being an American and a Mexican-American can be taken as very different things.

Joe Mendoza grew up with basically all Mexicans and that is just the way he knew life. His school took segregation to the next level. They had no tolerance for children of different races being together. Mendoza had no idea that people so different could even be with each other. 

All these childhood experiences impacted Joe Mendoza's life for good. Racist "scars" that were imprinted on him as a little boy would never heal. How could the time in your life that is supposed to shape you be so difficult to deal with? As hard as you try, you can never fully let go of your past. The memories and experiences stay with you throughout the rest of your life. 

Being Mexican-American is almost like a whole separate race. Choices, here in America, are given as follows: Mexican-American, Chicano, Latino, and Hispanic. Do Americans define all of these races as the same group? Yes. But they find themselves very different from each other. Mexican-Americans are their own group of unique individuals that learned to adapt to American lifestyles, but still keep their Mexican traditions alive. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

2 Thumbs Up For Martin Luther King Jr!

A man made of pure inspiration.

In his time, Martin Luther King Jr. did everything in his power to make peace in the world. He was a believer of a non-violent world. This meant he was involved in numerous racism acts and fought for his people in every way possible.

Born to be a leader, Martin Luther King Jr. did just that. He knew what he was doing with his life and he changed the society in his favor. People looked up to him as if he were almost a "God" and he lived up to their expectations. 

Martin Luther King Jr.'s life is relevant to today's society; in 2011. A recent event, occurring in Tuscan, Arizona, changed the lives of hundreds of people. For no identifiable reason, gunman Jared Lee Loughner fired shots in a huge crowd of people. A meeting was being held outside of Safeway Supermarket by Congress woman Gabrielle Gifford. This woman ended up being shot in the head, and now is in critical condition. Federal Judge John Roll was killed along with an innocent 9-year old girl. Afterwards, the investigation police confirmed six people dead and fourteen injured.

Is there any reason for this nonsense in our society today? My answer is not at all. If only there was a modern-day Martin Luther King Jr. for the situation that just happened in Tuscan. Even if there was a replacement just as good, would our world be different? Would people take a stand? 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Children of the Sea

Perfect beginning. Perfect ending. Perfect story.

I love the fact that the author put the whole story in letter-format. The narrators write improperly, yet you understand everything they're writing and feeling. After the first few pages, I realized how deep the story really was. The man and woman writing letters to each other have way different stories, but the reader never loses track of what's going on. I actually, for once, enjoyed reading something from a thick school textbook.

My favorite parts of the text were were the man and woman repeated one another. "They say behind mountains are more mountains." Random phrases like this made me think what they are really trying to say. I figured the narrators are not actually talking about mountains. They're talking about their personal experiences away from each other and using the "mountains" as a metaphor. I interpret this phrase being the opposite of "one door closes, another one opens." It really sounds more like "problems come and go, but you'll never be free of them." It's a little sad, but it makes sense because of the situations they're in. 

Just from the way the author writes, you can tell so much about the characters. Not once does the author say anything obvious about them. Through her writing, she can show the reader what the character is like and that isn't very easy. For instance, the writing styles of both characters. The man writes more proper, which shows he's more educated and comes from a wealthier side of the family. The woman writes incomplete sentences, just seeming to jot down random ideas in her letters. Her way of writing shows she is a bit less educated, meaning she most likely comes from a poorer background.

Reading this short story, I probably did more deep thinking than the author put into writing it.

Monday, January 3, 2011

music is the way to go.


American Christian Alternative Pop/Rock Band.

First debut in 1999; crowd of 5,000.

Superchick, in my opinion, is one of the greatest bands I have ever heard. I am not the type of person that listens to rock and pop or what not, but this band got me started. I definitely don't like when bands make silly lyrics that do not make sense. That kind of music is pointless, really. Unless that is the be meaningless. However, Superchi[k] over here, pours its heart out into the lyrics and people can actually relate. I usually just listen to the beat or the melody parts of songs, but the words in their lyrics are enjoyable to understand. 
Not only are the lyrics real, but they are encouraging. Inspirational. Almost all of the Superchi[k] songs have a main message in them. The point they are trying to reach across is "be strong, you'll get there someday" (or something along those lines).

Heroes are made when you make a choice 
You could be a hero 
Heroes do whats right 
You could be a hero, You might save a life
You could be a hero, You could join a fight 
For whats right for whats right for whats right 

I need you to know
I'm not through the night
Somedays i'm still fighting to walk towards the light
I need you to know
That we'll be ok
Together we can make it through another day

Stand your ground
Stand up when it's all crashing down
You stand through the pain
You won't drown
And one day, whats lost can be found
You stand in the rain