Saturday, November 13, 2010

let's stay where we're at.

New? Different? Change?
I like where our American Lit class is right now. Not going to lie, I'm not excited for it everyday (considering it's one of my last classes, and some days don't turn out so great). I usually am up for the interesting class discussions because they always lead to random things that we didn't plan to talk about. If I had the chance, I wouldn't really know what exactly to change about Mr. McCarthy's class. As soon as we walk in, the journals on the overhead get us thinking. I like to start with those, especially when I know exactly what to write and I don't have to guess just to write something. These journals are a very good idea to start class with because they get everyone thinking, which is always a good thing. I also think it's a good idea to take a day out of the week (in our case, Thursday) to read independently and take a break from class discussions. I like how Mr. McCarthy planned out his curriculum overall.
Some days I really don't feel like doing anything because it's just not my day or I'm exhausted. Those are the days I wish we could read independently so that I could have one focus, which would be on the book of my choice. However, even on these types of days, we still do journals-followed by a long class discussion. My favorite ones are when everyone has something concrete to say and everyone shares different opinions.
All in all, our American Lit class is one of the best; let's not change that.

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